Sex Style Find Your Favorite Color Based

Can someone make love style is influenced by many things. One of them through color. Just ask the couple what their favorite color. If you already know, you can assess how the 'action' he's in bed by her favorite color.


Identical blue enthusiasts with a fun personality in making love, tends to soft and sensitive to your partner. The he classified the type of romantic and often approach an elegant manner.

The couple is also a true lover, and the passionate during sex. Favorable, this type of man love to give foreplay action exciting, and always try to satisfy their partner.


Chocolate is one of the most powerful aphrodisiac. Therefore the man who likes the color brown is identical to the '24-hour sex '. That is, the color enthusiasts are very pleased to make love in a long time and intense. The problem is, if being emotional or stress, this condition can be interrupted everything


Men in black enthusiasts tend to have temperamental nature. Therefore, the type of man is like a wild sex. The couple was never afraid to try to force a new-style sex, even the he also challenged conduct sexual position is quite difficult.


For men who like this color generally have a cheerful personality, but the innocent during lovemaking. Kissing in public is never there in his dictionary. Men of this type is more like having sex with the conventional way, and do not really like to try new things. Usually, men who loved the color white is always a shower after having sex.


 The red enthusiasts have a sense of love like a tiger hungry, very easily aroused and enjoy a variety of start-style sex and location. During sex, he's aggressive and tend to like to 'attack' first.


For men who like this color generally have a cheerful personality, but the innocent during lovemaking. This type of man tends to apply polite in bed, even impressed cold, and spiritless. Uniquely, for some women this type remain interesting and exciting in their eyes.

Terdapat 2 comments:

ekvcz at: December 17, 2010 at 8:02 PM said...

ehhhh... bhs indonya ada ga????
mlz ak bca cieee...

Admin at: December 17, 2010 at 8:07 PM said...

you have yo learn more english bro :)

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